India: A timeless celebration it is
Irfan Mug-d
February 2009
Amazingly, a countless times have been written about this country as it continues to amaze the visitors and the inhabitants equally in all times in the past and the times to come in the future.
A country beautiful, as you pass by the lonely roads into the depths of this country, you are in places that smell of sugar and while you look around you feel as if the birds were talking to lazy cows feeling disturbed by your encounter in the middle of the highway. The people engulfed in the colorful attires you will surely feel there is not a day that passes without the people of this land celebrating one or the other occasion. The countless cultural differences requires every set of celebrating Indians to feel their chance of celebration, while I must add that it is not that only a particular set of people enjoying the good times all the time, but the whole of society, throwing the country into the festive mood for the year round.
A mobile tower in the farthest village roots of india surely makes the announcement of the dawn of a technological era quicker than the arrival of trains at it's platforms and planes at the airports which are mostly behind the schedules. But, Indians have adopted the strength of new era far quicker than any other country in the world. Indians were among the fastest to embrace the technology of mobile phones soon as the new miracle of mobile talking was shown into this land of countless thoughts, which were ready for years to celebrate the victory of speech anytime.
Further you pass by the more or less populated roads, you will never fail to see the natural resources that this country is been hiding in its belly. Mountains of marbles, mining chains, fields of sunflowers, beans, pulses and vast fields of different crops and many others of which the list can almost be unending.
I journey into the night and i see the old tile homes with the sparks of gleaming lights in the shadows, darkness has overshadowed the light, this is the remote scene in the night in many indian towns of 21st century world living.
With one of the largest railway networks in the world, you will have to stop at the cross roads to realize the strength it has given to this economy by connecting the country to the farthest places. The immense amount of agricultural, natural and manufactured production floating back and forth in this vast area certainly gives the onlooker an economical revelation the world is seeking, of the awakening of a sleeping economical giant of the new global era.
But,with all the beauty it possesses and the resources it holds, i feel the time here is not the factor in life. Every set of diverse community that is happy drinking from the streams of its own unclear cultural identity which is the key factor that this country is being thrown into backwardness in spite of the resources that are available for the inhabitants of this land on earth.
As you keep wandering into this vast land of sheer freedom of thoughts, where the sun sets with its youth spending time watching people and wondering! You make your way through to feel the nature of sunflowers, perhaps realize the beauty of your natural self in the bright sun, the old lady guarding by the field of flowers dwells on you with the superstition beliefs that flowers would perish should you look at its beauty.
Now, “the hub of India” as the huge banner dangles from the airport ceiling, informing you are in Mumbai. Wander on these streets here, and you find JCB's running through the street with NEW INDIA CONST.CO tag on it. Surely says a lot about India and the dawn of new beginning, I feel.
The shift in the culture is very much clear like the blue sky above me. The reverting dressing sense of indians, especially women, makes clear statement, for the country is been witness to freedom and self expression and in search for identity from the ages, the history makes the statement and the present compliments right marriage of thoughts.
Should the country constantly pursue the change at this pace with the idea of revolutionizing the self, the day is not far where the social life in india could be worst then the countries that have embraced the culture of nudity and self expression which in fact has led them to liberalization, in their view? In regards to the counter view of the major cultures, history always suggests that most of the countries always had sound value's that were deep rooted to the inward feelings of the human beings idea of wellness.
Where the deep history of india only suggests nudity and the search for identity as the always ongoing process throughout the lifetime up until our times. Will it be always like this?
With so much of cultural diversity, some are quick to defend that they are all sustaining to make the life healthy, in spite of having such a diverse fabric of society, well then i feel the adaptability to such a situation has to be natural, hence otherwise, is there a option for the ones living their unfulfilled life's here?
There is a huge amount of cultural differences among the masses. The amount of clashes among each other still living together are apparent, but the hatred within the hearts and faces wearing smiles, the very colorful fabric of this society is torn time and again by its own dwellers, and it will continue since there is no particular identity to call of their own.
Every community of people is only concerned about the strength of its own set of people, and there are enormous numbers of different set of communities living in this land. One vision can never be attained for the ages to come.
Every mile has its own dialect of speech, which in order changes everything; for sure, people are still living with the idea of not wanting to try anything new, except the few living in metros with confused sense of living, unable to decide the true identity for themselves have embraced global brands as their identity. The gap between the dwellers of the city and the dwellers of the inside pockets of India is very wide, until these times.
Any route you journey into this mystical land, the existential idea remains the same.
Hide and seek is the biscuit brand that is driving india, or hide and seek becomes quite a natural world of india. Parle the biscuit company has well understood the nature of indian mind. Hence, named their brands as Krackjack and Hide and Seek. Britannia, another biscuit maker offers a “Good Day” as its brand. Surely now you can have a Good Day with KrackJack and make your way through this maze of Hide and Seek.
Clearly, this is one vast garden of fruits of all kinds, and the chilies’, cotton, sunflowers, onions and millets for the world of parrots and much more. The trees by your road are quite a character's vision with various expressions. With oil company advert that reassures a traveler that “no distance too long". Because time in this society is not a factor i feel, rather its only celebration no matter why you are here.
Celebration is the key in their lives. From the season of mangoes to season of marriages, they know how to celebrate at every point in time. Someone rightly called India, a timeless celebration. Now, with all its differences and cultural glory, surely i admit of the country that is on the Rise, but will it? We will see.
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