Portrait of michael jackson - The art vendor, at Juhu street, Mumbai-India
At the core of making over the new india shine, would substantially be a responsible task in the hands of design principles of this country. A free state such as this among the largest democracies of the world, what india also requires in time is a phenomenal uplifting and application of urban planning and industrial design ideas, which will give an aesthetic boost to the urban dwellers of cities such as mumbai. I am not forgetting the signage's of the international brands which have managed to crawl in within the shabby shacks in the urban limits. Now thinking over the further up gradation of the aesthetic vision of urban india. Purposeful design solutions within the matrix of the unforeseen and rapid growth of the urban backdrops, lies a wide gap which principally gives a chance for the design community of india to craft viable solutions for uplifting the aesthetic value of urban areas making indian urban vision solutions, a model to follow for many other developing countries with similar problems. An exciting example will be just a redesign of a tobacco shops of the sea face areas of mumbai or simply a more thoughtful design idea for a automobile ice candy unit on beach areas. I think current time is naturally important for the industrial design solution providers to further study the urban geographical landscapes along with the pavements and many public areas in the cities and strike responsible solutions,I think urban planners in indian cities will have to visualize much more then just ornamenting the streets and every possible place with the colourful bollywood musical, insurance and every other consumer brand billboards. A country with huge creative human resource, artist's, including the the street portrait making vendors, there is enough reason to believe that this country can come up with phenomenal design solutions for its basic underlying problems of unhealthy urban visuals, that you encounter while moving through the cities.
In the current times we are living in, it is an example of inspiration for the design community of the world to see fragrance stamps being designed and developed by germans for improving aesthetic value of postal system, Russians considering the redesigning of tobacco packaging and canadians studying tobacco packaging to implement system of administrations.
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