Creativity or Art : The Perception Paradox of time
April 2011
Irfan Mvgdi
The new generation of the lovers of the aesthetics community, have great disparity understanding the true value and idea behind art.
One of the major misconceptions today among the new generation artists, established and the evolving ones, and the community on whole, is this mistaken identity of the self, lost in the realms of globalist manufactured reality.
If one cannot realize the vision of our times and rise up to the truth connecting oneself to the universal understanding of our times and communicate the truth using any medium to address the message to the commons in the society, then perceiving one self to be an artist is living in the shells of polluted reality untouched by the greater truth.
Historically artists have risen in times to address some of the greatest momentum shifts taking place in life of the evolution of human race on planet earth. I do not have the shadow of doubt in believing that the events taking place in our times, now, is changing the human soul's idea of inhibiting the planet forever.
I understand the fact that every soul of an artist is not designed to envision the times, but i would still urge the ones living now to sit in the closet of time and swim through the historical records of human nature and see visions of the future of one thousand years. Since human intellect is the most powerful object gifted with the light to see and distinguish between the truth and the falsehood. As artistic community will clearly understand that this higher state of aesthetic visions can only be achieved by artists, they are the only ones who can rise above to read the universal messages and bring to the notice of the people in the societies on earth.
Instead today, i would like to point out from the visions i see available in the "market" as they have turned it into, naturally, is nothing but creative ideas foul playing in the name of art. Now, i just feel if they will ever understand that the displaying of a creative idea is one thing and communicating art is totally another, creativity and art are two different branches of time and individual soul.
I wish this perception paradox of time will fade, since the visionary artists of our times feel upset to enter the polluted gates of creativity perceived as art. And i wish it will allow the visionary artists to come forward more often and reveal the messages which otherwise will be lost in time, destruction will only be of the people in the societies.
Either ways the visionaries will still have their visions accomplished, but as always seeing in light of the historical evidences of truth, we understand many greatest souls have been denied and not rewarded by the societies of the past, so let alone the artists wanting to brighten the sickened socio structure of the times we are living on earth right now.